CENTOGENE Why Choose Header Helix DNA

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Elucidating the Mechanisms That Underlies Genetic Parkinson’s Disease

Article | Dec 12, 2024

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Combining Genetic Insights and Therapeutic Efforts

The delineation of a novel rare disease is commonly a stand-alone research project. An international consortium, in which CENTOGENE played a major role, showcased how disease discovery can […]

30 Sep, 2021

Working Towards a Better Understanding of Parkinson’s Disease

Detailed characterization of large patient cohorts in a uniform manner is critical for gaining therapeutically relevant insights into rare diseases. CENTOGENE is a major stakeholder in the LIPAD […]


Collaborative Discovery of Gene-Disease Associations

The delineation of novel genetic disorders is facilitated by the formation of global research consortia. By actively contributing to collaborative efforts, CENTOGENE has supported dozens of […]


Sharing Diagnostic Insights to Support Rare Disease Patients

Defining a disorder’s complete clinical spectrum requires a detailed description of large numbers of patients. To help advance the understanding of rare diseases, CENTOGENE is committed to leveraging […]

23 Jun, 2021

Modifiers of Genetic Disease

Therapeutic strategies for monogenic diseases may be derived from the identification and understanding of disease-modifying factors. Researchers at CENTOGENE have been applying this rather novel […]

27 May, 2021

A Novel Genetic Cause for Autoinflammation

Genetic inflammatory disorders are quite rare, particularly those presenting with a pathological increase, rather than decrease, of inflammatory activity. A global consortium, of which CENTOGENE was […]

20 May, 2021

Globally Rare – Locally Common

Genetic diseases that are generally rare may still have a high prevalence in certain geographic regions. As a major diagnostic partner for physicians in certain countries, CENTOGENE has been able to […]

12 May, 2021

Leveraging the CENTOGENE Biodatabank and Genomic Testing to Discovers Six New Rare Diseases

While technology has advanced over the past ten years, more than half of patients with genetic diseases remain undiagnosed, even after applying genome-wide diagnostic approaches. By performing deep […]

18 Apr, 2021

A Genetic Cause for Infectious Disease

While infectious diseases are commonly connected to environmental factors, genetic defects in some genes can strongly increase a person’s susceptibility to infections. Data generated at CENTOGENE […]

12 Apr, 2021
CENTOGENE Why Choose Header Helix DNA

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Multiomic Solutions

MOx represents a multidimensional approach looking at each patient from different angles to combine deep knowledge and insights for a holistic view.

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Whole genome sequencing (WGS) identifies almost all changes in a patient’s DNA by sequencing both the entire protein-coding and the non-coding regions of the genome.

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Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) is a comprehensive genetic test that identifies changes in a patient's DNA that are causative or related to their medical concerns.

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The CENTOGENE Biodatabank – the world’s largest real-world data repository for rare and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Biomarkers play a vital role in the diagnosis of diseases as well as monitoring severity, progression, and treatment efficacy.


Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Panels: Our NGS panel portfolio tests for a wide selection of hereditary genetic conditions. They offer a fast, thorough, and cost-effective diagnostic tool for patients with distinctive clinical features.

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Most hematologic disorders have a genetic link – highlighting the importance of quick and comprehensive answers. We have identified genetic variants associated with hematological diseases in more than 300 different genes.

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Advances in genetic techniques now enable many important insights into kidney-related diseases. A genetic diagnosis can better classify disease, give information about disease pathogenesis, and suggest time-sensitive options for treatment.

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Ear, Nose & Throat

The ear is essential for many of our most basic functions. It is crucial to distinguish between genetic disorders and those caused by environmental factors as early as possible.

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Timely detection and diagnosis of heart disorders can lead to enhanced treatment options, help to prevent sudden cardiac death, and improve prognosis.

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Many genetic disorders of the bone cause skeletal and joint abnormalities that may seriously interfere with normal growth and development.

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Congenital malformations (“birth defects”) remain a leading cause of infant mortality and childhood morbidity.

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Reproductive Health

Identifying genetic causes of infertility facilitates informed decisions and family planning for your patients. With 10% of infertility cases being linked to genetic factors, their detection can provide vital answers.

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Genetic testing for hereditary and somatic cancers can provide life-changing results in affected patients and their relatives, accompanied by potential actionable steps for genetic-related cancers.

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Genetic testing is becoming an increasingly important tool in determining the cause of hereditary ophthalmologic conditions.

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Genetic testing can clearly diagnose many genetic disorders of the brain and nervous system. It can guide decisions towards more effective medical management and treatments.

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Metabolic Disorders

Genetic testing can help uncover the cause of persistent, often debilitating, undiagnosed symptoms in patients suffering from suspected metabolic disorders.

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