Scientific Publications
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An unusual Gaucher family
A family in which all individuals over two generations suffer from an unexplained phenotype was recently referred to CENTOGENE for diagnostic workup. Comprehensive biochemical and genomic screening […]
Extended application of an old medication
While ambroxol has been in medical use for respiratory diseases for over 40 years, its recently understood mode of action suggests a wider applicability. For Gaucher disease (GD), a metabolic […]
Insights into the pathophysiology of Niemann-Pick disease
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a central focus of research as performed at CENTOGENE. Characterization of a mouse model for the LSD Niemann-Pick disease suggested that defects in a […]
Informing therapeutic decisions in a rare disorder
Therapy for Gaucher disease, a rare metabolic disorder, has been available for almost 30 years, but whether all patients should receive the costly treatment has remained controversial. Upon […]
Determination of the Pathological Features of NPC1 Variants in a Cellular Complementation Test
Interpretation of genetic variants as pathogenic or benign strongly benefits from functional investigations. Researchers at CENTOGENE, together with colleagues from Rostock University, have developed […]
Delineation of a novel neuro-metabolic syndrome
Neurodevelopmental defects are genetically very diverse, and novel corresponding disease genes continue to be discovered. A recent example is the association between PIGB inactivation and a […]
Improved diagnostic options
Large genomic rearrangement mutations are hard to detect by conventional genetic diagnostic approaches, but easily identified by the MLPA technology. For MPS I, a recessive lysosomal storage […]
Extension of rare disease therapeutic options
Treatment options for rare genetic diseases are often tested in cellular or animal models. CENTOGENE happily supports such projects in collaborative research settings. A recent example relates to a […]
Novel disease gene discovered
The discovery of novel genetic disorders increasingly relies on large databases and on collaborative international efforts. CENTOGENE is proud to be part of numerous pertinent research endeavors. A […]