CentoLCV™ – The New Standard for Detecting Chromosomal Imbalances
Watch Dr. Peter Bauer, MD, Chief Genomic Officer at CENTOGENE, as he discusses CentoLCV™, our comprehensive Large Copy number Variation (CNV) analysis, and why it is the new standard for establishing more accurate molecular diagnoses compared to conventional tests using microarrays.
Prof. Bauer speaks about the importance of copy number variation analysis in shortening the diagnostic odyssey and outlining the implementation of our latest detection platform that combines state-of-the-art genome sequencing technology and our extensive medical expertise. Throughout the webinar, he has provided examples of successful clinical cases ─ leading to better, more informed outcomes for patients suffering from recurrent genomic disorders and complex cases.
Key Topics:
- Copy-number variation analysis as the status quo
- Using shallow whole genome sequencing to perform copy number variation analysis
- How CentoLCV™ performs in a clinical environment
- Successful application of CentoLCV™ in clinical cases
Our Speaker

Prof. Peter Bauer, M.D.
Chief Medical and Genomic Officer, CENTOGENE
Prof. Peter Bauer, M.D., serves as CENTOGENE’s Chief Medical and Genomic Officer, where […]