Join our interactive webinars to connect with CENTOGENE’s international team of experts and discuss topics ranging from clinical diagnostic practices to cutting-edge research.
CentoTalks – Webinars on Demand
Illumina and CENTOGENE: Using NIPT to Screen for the Most Common Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities
Everybody is talking about it: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to screen for the most common fetal chromosomal abnormalities. With CentoNIPT® CENTOGENE now offers non-invasive prenatal testing […]
A Journey to the Future – Whole Genome Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Heterogeneous Genetic Disorders
Last year CENTOGENE announced its new sequencing facility for rare hereditary disorders, which uses Illumina’s HiSeq X® sequencer. Some months after our journey started, our CSO Prof. Peter Bauer […]
Solving the Diagnostic Riddle – Diagnosing Heterogeneous Genetic Disorders with Whole Exome Sequencing
Most of the disease-causing mutations that science has been able to identify so far are located within the exons. Whereas most genetic tests focus on a single gene or on a set number of predetermined […]
A Race Against the Clock – Diagnosing Genetic Conditions in Newborns and Children
Up to one third of all babies and children admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) have a genetic disease. For many of them early identification can make a difference for their immediate and later […]
Oncogenetics in the Clinical Practice
In this webinar you will learn the last insights in oncogenetics testing and how CENTOGENE gene panels can support you to assess the risk of a patient to develop an inherited cancer.
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