Breast Cancer Testing
Genetic testing can help you and your doctor decide from various options for prevention, screening, and treatment for breast cancer.
Caring for You and Your Family With Our Reliable Breast Cancer Testing
Approximately 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.1 Breast cancer risk is associated with several factors, including female gender, age, race / ethnicity, excess body weight, exposure to hormone therapy, alcohol consumption, smoking, family or personal history, and genetic predisposition, among others.1, 2 One of the strongest risk factors is genetic predisposition, with mutations in inherited genes accounting for 5 % to 10 % of all breast cancers
CentoBreast has been designed to test for a wide range of genes linked to breast cancer, as well as and ovarian cancer and for the differential diagnosis of other syndromes, such as Lynch, Codwen, Peutz-Jeghers, and Li-Fraumeni syndromes. The correct analysis of mutations in these genes is the first step to establishing a diagnosis and potential treatment options.
What Causes Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is common and often treatable. But despite new treatments, breast cancer that has spread to other organs still has a high mortality rate. Several genes have been linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
How Does Genetic Testing Help?
If anyone in your family has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you could be at a higher risk than the general population of developing it too. Genetic testing can help you understand this risk and if possible, take preventative measures. If you have already been diagnosed with breast cancer, identifying an inherited risk factor can help to monitor and guide targeted treatment.
How Does Testing Work?
A simple blood test can identify whether you have a disease-causing alteration in any of the known breast cancer genes. Highly trained medical scientists and geneticists analyze DNA in cells collected from your blood to assess genetic changes.

What a Positive Result Means
If the test identifies a predisposition to breast cancer, it does not necessarily mean that you have cancer, or will develop it.
Depending on the gene and the alteration, you may have an increased likelihood of developing cancer of up to 80% over your lifetime. However, your actual risk also depends on lifestyle and other factors that are not yet fully understood. Knowing your individual risk can help you decide among various preventative measures, such as regular cancer screening to detect any potential cancers early. Surgery to remove breasts or ovaries can also greatly reduce the risk of developing cancer in those organs. All options should be carefully discussed with your doctor to decide what is best for you.
For those already diagnosed with breast cancer, identifying a genetic alteration can point to specific treatments for your individual cancer.
Consult Your Doctor
The information obtained from genetic testing can have a profound impact on your life. Prior to any genetic testing, we strongly recommend that you seek genetic counseling to understand more about which testing options might be beneficial for you and your family members. Genetic counseling is also recommended to help you understand your genetic test results and their implications for other family members.
At CENTOGENE, we only accept genetic tests ordered by a doctor on your behalf. As genetic testing and test results are complex, we want to ensure that you have access to full support to help you make informed decisions about genetic testing and your future healthcare.